Research proves messages are more effective when repeated.
Anyone who has struggled to remember someone’s name at a party knows that repetition is key to information recall.
It’s the same with marketing – the frequency of messaging is the best way to ensure people remember your brand.
Here, we explore why repetition is so powerful and how frequency makes your marketing more effective.
Society is flooded with so much advertising that we face the danger of not being noticed by our prospective customers. Will your customers know who you are without an ad staring them in the face to remind them?
In other words, are you trying to rely completely on direct response to your ads; or are you creating a broad and lasting awareness in the minds of your target audience? Without a strong attempt to brand yourself you will need to constantly advertise.
By branding, I’m referring to the act of exposing prospects to your name, logo, tagline, etc. on a frequent basis; and to the extent that people are already aware of you; when they are ready to purchase a product or service that you offer.
Now consider this: Mr. Smith penned this witty insight back in 1885 — over 129 years ago! Advertising was still in its infancy, but savvy marketers like Smith quickly figured out that “more frequency = more effective.”
For best results, a business needs to expose each prospect to the same ad impression three times within a week. By running a very strong campaign over the course of a month; you can easily create a very lasting effect on the people you would like to have as your customers.
It is important to maintain continuity; through the use of the same logo, business name, or tagline in all your promotions; so your targets are receiving the same impression with each exposure, regardless of the exact mode of delivery.
Your potential customers are everywhere, online and off-, so you have to be too. The best marketing campaigns use a variety of marketing mediums; from local print ads, to email campaigns, to social media, to organic search and display ads. And don’t forget the power of retargeting; a digital ad strategy that delivers your ad or content to consumers on other sites they visit.
Don’t let all of your brand messages; go unnoticed by sharing it once and moving on. Reusing images, words and messages create familiarity, making it more likely that people will remember your brand.
You want people to be aware; of your name, logo, or tagline and associate this awareness with your products and services; well before they even need what you have to offer.
Take some time and ask yourself. What can you start doing right now; to see that your prospective customers are exposed to the same message at least three times over a seven-day period?